We are Your discreet advisor. Our highly qualified employees are working flexible, motivated and transparent on the fulfillment of Your customer requirements. With our help You achieve a maximum added value in times of crisis and establish stable mixed forests that defy climate change.

Due to the requirements of the Covid-19 pandemic, the service mainly takes place digitally, for example via e-mail and written reports. The invoice is based on a flat-rate, fair hourly rate.

You may get a further impression with our brochure.  We do also recommend our current e-Book (6,99 €), containing more detailed information about forest investments.


You want to invest in forests? That´s easy: just acquire forest real estate. The German market offers a safe alternative to speculative forest investments abroad. Providers in tropical countries, for instance, may lure You with high returns, but they often work intransparent and carry diverse legal risks. Furthermore, total losses due to biotic and abiotic damaging events are more likely. Truly sustainable forest management is found mainly in Germany, home of intelligent forestry.

Forest investments are not only reserved for large investors. Around 24% of the German forest area are considered small private forest (< 20 ha). These green real estates can sometimes be purchased for just a few thousand Euros and offer an inflation-protected investment with a stable interest rate of 2% for the middle class. Forest land value as well as the demand for wood are increasing continuously. When and how much of the forest stand is converted into liquid funds by harvesting can be freely decided. Above all, forest ownership also means a cross-generational long-term investment with great ideal value. We will help You to find a forest that meets Your requirements and advise You on funding opportunities, management, forestry associations and other possibly open questions. If You already have an offer, we can examine it for You.

The reasons for selling a forest may be diverse. In extreme weather events such as the drought in 2018/19, forest stands that are not suitable for the location are put to the test. If the harvest and reforestation of a dead forest are not possible to cover costs, a sale can be considered. Private financial requirements in the context of an economic crisis are also a possible reason for selling a forest.

With our support You become able to determine a reasonable price for Your forest property. We will convey this to interested investors for You, if desired also within the framework of a brokerage contract, and accompany You during the entire process. The more information You provide us (e.g. forest inventory), the higher the sales opportunities.



Ecosystem services are defined by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment of the UN as the benefitshumanity is gaining from ecosystems. They are playing an increasing role in the worldwide climate and nature conservation debate. Regarding the forest as ecosystem, especially his potential in carbon reduction by fixing it through wood growth is highlighted. Forest owner associations have been demanding a financial reward for forest ecosystem services for quite some time. However, the political implementation turns out to be difficult.

The Reforestis UG would like to use its possibilities as a private company to contribute to the overdue monetary compensation between forest owners and the rest of the society. For this purpose we collect donations and transparently hand them over to selected forest owners. We keep 1% of thedonations for the corresponding administrative effort.

In addition, we are offering consultation regarding the quantification of ecosystem services to forestowners. There are different scientifical valuation models that can be used depending on situation and customer request.
Impact investing is enjoying increasing popularity, not least for reasons of public relations. It is standing to reason whether investments in, for example, fast growing monocultures truly is foundedin conscientious impact investing. The rapid carbon reduction contradicts a lack of biodiversity.

We are offering consultation on special opportunities for nature conservation investments to customers with none or nearly none economical intentions, such as purchasing forests to shut down silviculture or hunting and actions in the context of the wilderness fonds of the BMU.



Dynamic times in nature and economy require innovative solutions. Which foreign tree species are promising? Why not just cultivate edible mushrooms on all the lately arose dead wood? Which shares do have a reference to forestry? Which opportunities are given by silent participations?

Our progressive employees are always looking for solutions and investment opportunities connected to the field of forestry. Just contact us and describe Your issue.


Get in contact with us. We are pleased to advise you and look forward to realizing your visions together with you.

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